Friday, June 3, 2011

Oh, My Seoul

Time to lighten the mood a little. The last couple of weeks have just been a stream of bad news. A budget freeze here, a serious medical diagnosis there, a surgery coming up, a medical leave over there, financial problems, relationship problems... enough. You know what I do when things are going bad?

Wrongo Dongo? Really?

That's right. I like to drink Wrongo Dongo. Oh, there are so many ways to go with that name. Like, did you wake up in a ... Anyway, this may be my favorite name of all time. There is nothing right about Wrongo Dongo. I love thinking about the thought process. Like which word did they decide on first, "Hey, what rhymes with Dongo?" I have a dream of bringing a date back to my apartment for some wine. "Oh, that's nice. What is it?"

"Wrongo Dongo"

Or perhaps a sales pitch - Nothing says 'love' like Wrongo Dongo. Okay, having too much fun. Moving on.

Escaping the rain can lead to some interesting situations. Here is a picture from a modern pottery/ furniture store.

The world's coolest and most uncomfortable chair
I never knew this about chairs, but it is actually important for the person sitting in it to be able to get out. Not only are you in an awkward recline, you cannot get up. Awesome. Does look cool, though.

My favorite place in Seoul is Insadong, but I don't go there very often anymore. Asking for more than one perfect evening seems a bit greedy to me. So here is a picture of my second favorite place in Seoul.

A museum of chicken art

Notice the chicken statues on top of the sign. It was pouring down rain when we entered. Sounds like a good excuse. But come on, you have to visit a museum dedicated to chicken art. You just have to. Two stories and a guided tour given by an old guy with an awesome voice, all for three dollars. The top story was actually interesting. The chicken was the messenger to the afterlife. As such, there are some really impressive funeral artworks, and if you look really closely (thankfully we had a guide) you will see a chicken. The bottom story was not as impressive. "This chicken is made entirely from a water buffalo horn. This chicken is from Spain. That chicken is from France. This chicken is made from paper..." It was still raining outside. We chose the rain. But, I did get on the email list so they can inform me when the exhibit changes. Nice.

And finally, I have discovered a new game in Seoul. I don't have a name for it yet. Perhaps someone will think of one, but basically it involves finding the two most unrelated things in one place. The Indonesian Mask exhibit/cafe is one example. Here is another.

There are actually several of these near the mountain trek we were on. I don't even know what an India Massage is, but I will be sure to post when I find out.

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