Friday, April 29, 2011

I'm a Winner, Baby!

Today at lunch they were handing out scratch off tickets. Everybody got one. The woman across from me scratched hers and saw a bunch of characters which apparently read, "Better luck next time." Since I cannot read Korean, I was prepared to simply claim victory and kid anyone who challenged my win as not really understanding Korean. As I was yelling, "I'm a winner!", it turns out I really was. Instead of characters, there was the English name of the food company 'Woorey' or something like that. I asked what I had won. It took several moments before my colleagues finally said, "a gift." Well, despite my recent success with chopsticks, I really needed a fork today. So, I went downstairs to get a fork and my 'gift'.

I show the guy handing out tickets my winner. He smiles and points me to the winner's area where they have me print my name, write what department I'm in, and then sign my name. It was very official. 'Name', 'department', and 'sign' were all the English they knew, so a lady pointed to a cup. I point back saying, "You choose." She then pours hot water in one and hands me my gift of tea. Whoo hoo! I ... hate tea. Well, not really. I just hate it as a gift. I had to sign for hot tea? At least it was Liptons.

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